报告题目:Constrained Extremum Problems, Regularity Conditions and Image Space Analysis
报告人:西南财经大学 朱胜坤 副教授
摘要: Image Space Analysis has proved to be instrumental in unifying several theories, apparently disjoint from each other. With reference to constraint qualifications/regularity conditions in Optimization, such an analysis has been recently introduced by Moldovan and Pellegrini. Based on this result, the present talk is a preliminary part of a work, which aims at exploiting the image space analysis to establish a general regularity condition for constrained extremum problems, including the scalar and vector optimization problems.
个人简介:朱胜坤,西南财经大学经济数学学院,副教授,2014年博士毕业于重庆大学计算数学专业,2016年至2017年在意大利Pisa大学从事博士后研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目和四川省自然科学基金一般项目各1项。主要研究方向:最优化理论,像空间分析,集值与变分分析,研究成果发表在Journal of Global Optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 等国际知名期刊,已发表学术论文20余篇。