发布时间:2022-12-30 00:00  作者:   编辑:  审核:  来源: best365体育官方网站本站原创  浏览次数:



报告人:楼一均 (香港理工大学)




楼一均博士主要研究方向为应用动力系统及其在复杂生物系统的应用。论文发表在SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, IEEE Transactions o n Automatic Control, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Nonlinearity, Journal of Differential Equations, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Chaos, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Ecological Complexity 等主流应用数学以及理论生态学杂志。近年来对具有季节驱动或年龄结构的复杂系统以及复杂网络上的疾病传播动力学感兴趣。现任Infectious Disease Modelling杂志Associated Editor,和Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, PLoS One, Frontiers in Epidemiology等期刊编委。


The growth and reproduction of frog population is essentially determined by the presence of seasonal climate conditions andprevailingecological environments. Understanding the frog population dynamics subject to seasonally changing weather conditions plays a fundamental roleon predicting the trends of frog population patterns anddevelopingamphibiansprotectionprogramsunder climate change scenarios.

This talk presentsa stage-structured frog population model in the ecological environment with temperature-dependent effects. Due to the consideration of seasonal developmental duration, the model turns out to be a system of piecewise differential equations with temperature-dependent delays.Interestingly, we would like to show how elementary arguments can be used to establish various properties of the solution maps, and how aquotient spacecan be introduced to establish thestrong monotonicity.